Uniquely Brewed Content

Author: Shivalik Kashyap Page 3 of 4

Skeptical: A very short poem about something unknown

It was time to leave 
Said someone, hiding in the haze
Not identifying where to go

I’m not scared but skeptical
Or curious to know
Something unknown!

Trapped: A poem of struggle with the darkness of life

Hold my hand said who
The soul that is lost
And long gone
Buried deep beneath under my sins

The more I try more lost I feel
Where I’m going in this darkness

Why do we search for light? 
I can live with my sins
But the soul buried deep
Cries constantly in my head

I reach to pull it back
Yet my darkness works best

Different Shadow-II: A poem of life in alternate realities

Different Shadow-II
A clear mirror in bright light
That never shows any reflection
I spent hours standing in front of it
Nothing! A mirror that reflects nothing

Sometimes I screamed in front of it
It might scare me!
A mirror that can make you feel
That it will come to life

Useless, worthless, wasting people’s precious time 
Suddenly I saw a reflection 
Similar to mine 
More afraid, terrified

That’s not me!
Fear is long lost on our land
I see the reflection is running away
And the mirror is lifeless again

Who was that?
I spent hours every day
Never saw anything again
But I think of it every day!

Different Shadow: A poem of life in alternate realities

Different Shadow
Who is that?
That’s not me
Who do I see in this blurry mirror?

The face is muddy
I can see that 
Is it me or someone else

The mirror is blurry, but that bright spark
Doesn’t make any sense
From where this spark coming 

I can see right through the mirror 
An open gate to another dimension
There’s me but with a different shadow

I’m afraid, I ran away from that mirror
A part of me is trapped in there?
Who am I?

Am I the reality or that was?
I ran further on the road 
and never looked back.

She: A poem about love connection

The moment was lost
What was it about?
Nothing, she said 
I begin to wonder 
She said, stop! 
I know what are you doing
I said, doing nothing in here
No, you’re not here, said she

Let me come with you 
I said, to where
To your wonderland
That’s not possible 
It will be possible if you let me in
What if you get lost in there said I
Then you know exactly where to find me 
Said she and ran through me

Absurd: A short poem about the uncertainty of life

Sticky post
I sat and thought for a while 
Something absurd and non-existent
Not intensely, not politely either  

What is it and why are we like this?
So long and far away we have come 
Still haunted by the ghost of uncertainty 

Nothing is certain yeah that’s true
What is this subtle thought? 
That distracts from reality and creates the fear of reality

Hide: A poem with mysteriously hidden question

I don’t want to hide
Why am I so blind

I can see the obvious 
I can see the inevitable 

What I want to see
Something that I hide 

It is not a hidden treasure
Something really common

So common everybody has it
What is it? That I hide

It is not a prized possession
Guess what it is?
You have it as well
Your lost friend has it as well

It is precious more than ashes of trees
More valuable than fools gold

It is untouchable 
Can be touched tho

It is more complicated than Da Vinci’s code
Do you know what it is?

The Cunning in the Forest: Grandfather’s tales

Sticky post

Once upon a time, there was a fox named Cholo Chance. He was very clever and loved to trick the animals of the forest, always tricking others for his good. He was not hated by others, his sweet talk never failed him. Treacherousness comes with a price, Cholo had no friends in the forest. Not that he wanted someone to be his friend. His act of trickery always accompanied him throughout the day. Cholo’s favorite season was around, something that he loved more than tricking others was eating berries. It was time to enjoy life more.

A beautiful river flowed through the forest, and it separated a small part of the forest. A crocodile named Nile Dumble lived in the river, and no one dared to cross the river when he was around. He was very strong and feared by most of the animals. Nile always felt proud like a King, thinking that he is so powerful and fierce. 

The berries were plump and ready to be eaten. Cholo enjoyed eating the berries all day. One day cholo was resting after eating and was talking to barry the parrot. Cholo said that he knows the best place to eat berries and nobody else knows about that place. He was exaggerating about the place.

Barry said, “Cholo you might be the most clever animal I have met but you don’t know the best place for berries believe me.”

“Oh really?” said Cholo. 

Tell me, where is it? My sweet friend Barry. Where is this place you’re talking about? 

Barry felt really good when Cholo mentioned him as a sweet friend. He told Cholo that the berries of the forest across the river are the best. 

“Oh, don’t try to fool me, sweet friend, that’s not true,” said Cholo

“I’ll prove it to you, just wait here and I’ll bring some for you,” said Barry and flew away. 

Cholo was uncertain about what barry has said, but he was resting so, he waited for him.  

Barry came back with a few berries and gave them to Cholo. He tasted them and, for a moment, Cholo felt speechless. In that brief moment, Cholo decides not to praise Barry. 

“Barry, my sweet friend, I respect you so much, and I don’t want you to get disrespected somewhere else,” said Cholo.

“These are not the best berries I’ve tasted. If you tell someone else about these berries, they will make fun of you,” added Cholo. 

“I will not spread the word about this conversation, and I believe, you do the same, alright?” said Cholo Skeptically.  

Barry felt bad, but he believed Cholo, and promised that he will not say a word as well. Barry left, and Cholo felt proud of himself. His one act of cunning, again, saved him all the treasure.  

Cholo begins to think that how he is going to cross the river, he was aware of the tyrant of the river Nile dumble. Cholo started looking for possible ways to reach the other part of the forest. Days passed by Cholo felt frustrated there were no possible entries into the forest. The only place possible was guarded by Nile. 

Cholo took a break and was resting under a tree when he overheard a conversation between two birds named Maxi and Ron.   

“Maxi do you know Nile wants to get married?”, said Ron

“Who will marry Nile dumble?”, said Maxi

“I don’t know, but Nile said he will do anything for that person who will help him find his bride”, said Ron

“I will not help him. God knows what will he do if you fail to find one”, said Maxi

After hearing the conversation, Cholo begins brainstorming about how to make a fool of Nile Dumble. A brilliant idea struck his mind and he was all ready to cross the river.

The next day Cholo walk past by Nile and said something related to marriage that was not properly heard by Nile. He began to think about his marriage and immediately shouted, hey! You foxy come here. What were you talking about moments ago?

Cholo said I don’t know what you’re talking about man

Nile felt anger but this might be his golden chance to marry someone so he controlled himself and said foxy you were talking about marriage or something?

“The name is Cholo Chance, and yes I remember now,” said Cholo.

“Oh really! Tell me, what is it?” said Nile. 

“I think I’m ready to get married,” said Cholo.   

My aunt lives on the other part of the forest across the river. It is believed that she is a real matchmaker. She can find partners for anyone. The problem is you don’t let anyone cross the river, and I will not marry because of that– In a sad voice. 

“Oh you foxy, I mean Cholo, pardon me,” said Nile 

You’re my new friend. I will let you cross brother, and you will marry someone soon.

“Oh really! You’re going to help me? You’re a good person Nile. 

Yes Of course friend I am,” said Nile.

Listen, Cholo, do you think your aunt will help me find a partner?” said Nile.

Yes, I believe She will. You are a good person, I will talk about this with her,” said Cholo.

“Thank you, Cholo, Thank you”, said Nile. 

“Come on, I’ll help you cross the river. We should not waste much time,” said Nile hastily.   

Cholo felt so proud, and he was excited to enjoy the berries of the forest. Nile helped him to cross the river.

I’ll wait for you here Cholo,” said Nile.

Alright, friend,” said Cholo.

Cholo saw the delicious berries and he ran toward them. Oh dear lord, these berries are amazing. Those fools were right. Cholo had a good time eating, and he rested for a while. It was almost evening and Cholo begins to think again about how to lie. He came out from the forest and saw Nile waiting for him on the riverbank.

“A good news friend,” said Cholo. 

“Tell me what it is?” asked Nile excitedly.

“My aunt said, she will find a good partner for you soon, but she needs some time,” said Cholo.

“Take all the time you need, friend,” said Nile. 

“I need to visit her every day, Nile. My aunt forgets things and for your sake, I need to remind her every day,” said Cholo. 

“Yes friend for sure, I’ll help you cross as long as it takes to find my bride,” Said Nile. 

Cholo used Nile’s services well. After a few weeks, Nile started to get anxious and began to ask more questions. He demanded answers. Cholo kept on lying to him, informing, that his aunt found a girl, but her uncle needed to be present at the time of the wedding. So, he has to wait a little longer. Nile felt a little relieved, at least, she found someone for him. Days passed by and Cholo kept on lying, that someone from her family is missing at the moment.

Finally, the day came when there were no berries left in the forest. Nile asked Cholo about the progress, but as the good days were over, Cholo was ready to reveal the truth. Thinking that he made Nile’s fool for so many days, his arrogance and pride rose. Cholo said there is no bride for Nile and there is no aunt. He wanted to eat the berries and that’s why he made a fool of him and Cholo ran away. Nile was furious and raging, the only thought he had in his mind was to kill Cholo.

Nile begins asking other animals where does Cholo live. Barry the parrot told him about his cave. Nile hid inside the cave when Cholo was not around. In the evening, when Cholo came back, he saw crawling marks on the ground. They went straight inside the cave. Cholo begins to think and an idea struck his mind. He begins to call his cave

Oh, my dear cave, how’re you? He repeated it for sometime 

Nile inside begins to think that the cave might be afraid of him and that’s why is not responding and he should respond.

Cholo again said, “My dear cave, how’re you?”

In a panic, Nile said, “I’m good.” 

Cholo recognized the voice and said, “Oh, you fool Nile, caves don’t talk and ran away.” 

Nile felt humiliated, his act of foolishness helped Cholo again.

Nile collected more information from Barry about Cholo’s daily routine. After a few days, he knew a perfect place where he can catch Cholo. Cholo usually loved to walk near mangroves, and Nile hid near the roots of the mangroves. Nile waited for Cholo the entire day and it was evening time. It was getting dark, but then, he heard Cholo whistling and he knew it was his chance now. Cholo was walking, waving his tail left and right, and then, suddenly, Nile caught him by his leg. 

Cholo thought it was over for him now, for a brief moment, but he thought let’s take a chance. He said, “Oh you fool Nile dumble, you wanted to catch my leg but instead of that, you caught a root. Lord have mercy on this fool.” And in panic, he opened his mouth and caught a root. This was Cholo’s Chance and he ran so fast like never before.

“Oh, you fool, you caught the root and left me on loose. Oh, you fool, you caught a root and left me on loose.”

He kept on running and saying, “Oh, you fool, you caught a root and left me on loose. Cholo never looked behind and left the forest forever.

Future of virtual reality and opportunities

The tech industry never stops to amaze our minds. There was a time when we would have never thought of talking to someone who is miles away. And today we can talk to each other just like we are sitting next to each other. Every day our life is incorporated with technology more and more. Virtual reality is one of them.

What is virtual reality? 

It is a fully digital, computer-generated, real-life environment. It stimulates the human senses like vision, hearing, and touch. With advanced technology VR allows the user to enter into an experiential world. The 3D environment can be similar to the real world or completely different.

There are three types of virtual reality: Non-immersive. Semi-immersive, fully immersive.

Non-immersive: Your mobile display, normal displays, and any input devices that deal with digital devices are examples of non-immersive virtual reality. That means non-immersive VR is the most common VR we deal with every day.   Non-immersive doesn’t take full control of our senses and the user is always well aware of his surroundings.

Image source: Jasoren.com

Semi-immersive: If you ever watched anything on a high-quality TV screen and felt like, wow, everything looks so realistic and alive or watched anything on a projector. These are examples of semi-immersive virtual reality. The semi-immersive VR depends on high-resolution displays and high-end computing devices. It portrays the high-resolution images to make the user feel he is viewing or engaging with a different environment. Still, the user is well aware of the surroundings. But certainly, it creates a better illusion than non-immersive VR.

Image source: dreamstime.com

Fully immersive:  If you want to have a full-blown VR experience. Then, fully immersive VR is all set to blow your mind.  VR headsets and VR glasses are necessary to experience fully immersive VR technology. The headset creates a 3D environment in front of the user’s eyes. Similar to a real-life environment or different. It will stimulate the user’s vision and hearing. With fully immersive VR, the user is not aware of the surroundings.

Image source: wikimedia.org

How realistic is virtual reality?

If you are on any social media platform, then you might have seen people breaking their bones and TVs while using VR technology. The simulation created by VR tech is very realistic, and it drifts you apart from the real world. Especially when it comes to gaming and stuff.

VR technology is not only limited to gaming and watching videos. VR tech is changing the education sector, health sector, architecture industry, etc. It is making big differences in our lives. Students can interact better with lessons. Architectural designs can be interacted with even before they come into existence. Patients with mental health issues are being treated with VR technology. It helps the patients to overcome their fears without going anywhere. 

Facebook changed its company name to Meta. And with this change comes the metaverse–the combination of VR and augmented reality–where people can live in the digital world. With metaverse, they are entering the world of virtual reality on a whole new level.

The tech industry is a sea of endless opportunities and possibilities. Every day there’s something new and mind-blowing.

Blockchain: The new definition of security and transparency

Cryptocurrency is widely known to everyone. Everyone is on the leash to own cryptocurrency. Some people are mining it and others are investing in it. Believing that cryptocurrency is the currency of the future.

But people hardly know about the roots of cryptocurrency. The common fact known to us is that it is very secure and transparent. And people are betting on it.

On the road, if you are a little bit skeptical about it then you are not alone. As there are many investors and miners, so are people who don’t know much about it. Burren buffet is one of the prolific figures in the investing world. He doesn’t believe in cryptocurrency. And he speaks bluntly about it.

Image Source: Peio Bty/Unsplash

First comes the blockchain technology

The existence of cryptocurrency depends upon blockchain. Blockchain is the network of computers that share data. The chain of blocks contains information that can be shared and seen on the web. The best example of the blockchain is a cryptocurrency–bitcoin, Ethereum, Reef, NFTs, etc. 

The question that arises here is if the information can be seen and shared on multiple platforms. Then it can be manipulated. But that’s the beauty of blockchain. It shares the data but its original form can not be changed. And the computer that tries to do so will be terminated by the blocks. And the shared information remains the same on other networks.

  • The blockchain is secure and decentralized 
  • It brings trust, security, and transparency to the table
  • Reduced cost and risks 
  • No data manipulation and more accuracy
Image source: GuerrillaBuzz/Unsplash

The information shared in the blocks varies. According to its type, for example, bitcoin is a type of blockchain cryptocurrency. A bitcoin block contains the sender, receiver, time, and the number of bitcoin transferred. Anything that is virtual can be sold and bought on the blockchain. And It definitely reduces the cost and risks.

Information shared on the blockchain is secure and can be shared faster. In today’s time, the most valued asset of any business is time. Data sharing through blockchain is more accurate and transparent. And it can’t be manipulated. Only the members of the same network can access it. Shared information can’t be reversed. If a change is needed then a new block will be created and both blocks will be visible on the network.

Image source: GuerrillaBuzz/Unsplash

Blockchain and availability of cryptocurrency

In 2022 there are more than 1000 types of cryptocurrencies available. All possible because of blockchain technology. 

The trust brought by blockchain can be shaken by the change in the market value of a certain cryptocurrency. But it doesn’t change the fact that it is the way to the future. And we can see the trend of rising technologies that accept cryptocurrency widely. And technology is something you can’t run from; it will come to your doorsteps sooner or later. 

Whether you are into crypto or not. Blockchain is helping businesses run efficiently. And it will generate more possibilities with better trust and security.

Change is good when it is not implemented forcefully. And a good change brings new opportunities and possibilities.

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