Uniquely Brewed Content

Author: Shivalik Kashyap Page 1 of 4

In Search Of Nothing: Blending in Wasteland

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In Search Of Nothing

If I could have flying wings
I will cut them off
And wretch havoc on my body and soul
Live in deep agony that I had the gift of eternity
But I am a damned soul of wasteland
For I don’t believe in miracles and uniqueness
I have to blend in with this sand
Cry for eternal damnation
Crawl the world thinking I could fly
Constantly condemning myself
And cry with dry tears of fear

Where Will I Find Her: My Search Of Peace

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I Can’t Find Her
Where will I find a quantum of solace for her
When I have starved for eon 
I have roamed galaxies like a vulture in search of it 

Futile are all my efforts
For I have begun to believe it doesn’t exist 
Perhaps it is a myth 
But this hunger is true that consumes me from within 

Indeed, I won’t be able to stop this hunt 
For it has become my ecstasy 
And perhaps this is the forbidden fruit that I have to consume for centuries
Before tasting the elixir of serenity in the chaos!

Desire and Despair: Provoke Your Temptations

Don’t control yourself, let it tempt itself 
Let your desire derive you for once 
See where they want to roam around 

Don’t hesitate, don’t wait 
Take quick action don’t let the brain think 
Run away from the land of despair 

And hop on the bandwagon of desires 
Where will it drop you it is uncertain 
Just like every moment of your life 

You will feel the knife of despair 
Come crawling from behind 
So run away, don’t look behind
For desire are strong but despair is always behind

Discovering Your Presence With my Provocative Sense

You And I

Shivering down to my spine 
You are getting hold of me 
I'm acting without consciousness 
You are entering my soul and body
This feeling is so provocative 
I'm filled with the lust of harmony 
I am directionless on these waves of craziness 

But I know they are pushing me to sensation of your consciousness 
A sheer hunger is rising within me 
Not to consume but to feel something 

I have no vision 
But your scent is attracting me
I’ll find you no matter where you are 
Just squeeze me tight once 
And give me the directions to your heart

Archnemesis: The Person we Truly Trust And Connect With

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My archnemesis 
I won’t lie to you 
You hate me 
And I hate you too
Still, I won’t lie to you 
We both exist on the same plain 
You will kill me and I will kill you too 
Still, I won't lie to you 
The day will come 
We will face each other 
The result is uncertain 
So is the life 
One of us will depart to the unknown 
And that’s the absolute truth 
So my archnemesis I won’t lie to you 

What You Will Become is Uncertain: The Void

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I am losing every day someone new 
The old are kept forever 
There’s no someone new 
I miss that a lot 

I used to seek the shelters 
Now I am the void 
You’re with me 
But you don’t want to keep me 

Where shall I go 
It’s not my fault 
It’s not yours too

I came here to become the inevitable 
How pathetic is that?
No one knows 

I am the empty I absorb everything 
Still, my hunger kills me 
I need more 

To satisfy this never-ending cycle
It is ruthless of me 
That you chose this path 

There no going back 
But to feel the void 
While being the void 

Swaying Toward You With Good Intentions: A Poem

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Toward You
I am walking straight toward you 
Take a glance at me 

Oh you kind soul 
Don’t talk to me 
Just stare at me, silently 

You can’t be fooled by beautiful lies 
Let me tell you the plain truth 
I shall be yours 

Please hold my hand 
Let me feel the warmth of your affection 
I am not juvenile 

Maybe little stubborn 
I will learn gentleness from your breath 
I will learn patience from your touch 

Just hold my hand 
And keep it forever 
And I shall lavish on your love for eternity 

A Few Words Can Bring a Big Change: A poem

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I Must 
I must speak the tale of uncertainty 
I must tell the truth of inevitable nature 

I must hear the cold whisper of the world's lies 
I must eat the fruit of my faithfulness

I must drink the poison served on my table 
I must close my eyes when the clock stops ticking 

Complicated: Every Day is a Challenge And Opportunity

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Things need to be caught up
Tighten your grip, hold on to It 

It is not slipping, you are leaving It 
We awake, oh you fool 
Don’t look around, It’s in your hand 

Hold It with a firm grip, powerful It is 
Yet extremely fragile 
Care for It and It will be yours

The Voice That Leads to The Greater Good: A Poem

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Sing a song in an unheard voice 
Shout so loud and don’t hear the crowd 

Seek no shelter soak in the light 
Don’t fright be bright 

Close your eyes and seek no sight 
Remember the path of might 

Don’t drag and carry this life 
Strong you are keep this in mind 

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